Want to contribute to the commons? Meet some new people with shared values? Want to learn some new skills that can contribute to Open?
Awesome. We’re looking forward to meeting you. We’re currently building out a more robust process for new members (new member socials, community leader connections, etc.).
In the meantime, here’s what you can do:
- Send a “Hello!” to our country leader, Gryph (click there). Tell Gryph what you’re interested in. He’s really happy to meet the new faces and connect them to people with similar interests. Let him know if you’re representing an organization, and be sure to include your personal site/linkedin/whatever you think best represents you. It helps a lot.
- Sign up for the newsletter (click here). We mail out once a season, on average. Usually all the big stuff is in there.
- Join the Creative Commons Slack (click here for that.). There’s a #cc-canada channel, and a bunch of channels for people with specific interests.
- If you’re feeling particularly zesty, check out our Global Summit, which is always a blast. Think about putting in an application to present! The summit is a great way to connect.
Talk to you soon,
Your new pals at Creative Commons Canada